Unit 1 - Precision agriculture & Uses of GIS, GPS & VRA | Notes - Geo-informatics, Nano-technology, and Precision Farming

Geo-informatics, Nano-technology, and Precision Farming 2 (1+1)

Unit I

Unit - I Syllabus
Precision agriculture: concepts and techniques; 
their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture; 
Uses of GIS, GPS &VRA in precision agriculture.

Chapter - 1

Precision Agriculture: Concepts and Techniques

Precision agriculture is a farming management approach that uses technology to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity. It involves the use of various technologies, such as GPS, GIS, remote sensing, and sensor-based systems, to collect and analyze data about soil, crops, weather, and other factors that influence crop growth and yield. This data is then used to make more informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and precision application of inputs.


Here are some of the key concepts of precision agriculture:

  1. Site-specific management: Precision agriculture involves the use of site-specific management techniques, where the field is divided into smaller management zones based on soil type, nutrient availability, topography, and other factors. This allows farmers to apply inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, only where they are needed, reducing waste and improving efficiency.
  2. Yield monitoring: Yield monitoring involves the use of sensors and other technologies to collect data on crop yield and quality. This data can be used to create yield maps, which can help farmers identify areas of the field that are performing well and areas that need improvement.
  3. Variable rate application: Precision agriculture also involves the use of variable rate application of inputs, where the application rates of fertilizers and pesticides are adjusted based on the needs of different areas of the field. This allows farmers to optimize the use of inputs and reduce waste.
  4. Remote sensing: Remote sensing involves the use of satellite and aerial imagery to collect data on crop growth, nutrient levels, and other factors that influence yield. This data can be used to create maps of crop health and yield potential, which can help farmers make more informed decisions about crop management.
  5. GPS and GIS: GPS and GIS technologies are used in precision agriculture to collect and analyze data on soil type, topography, and other factors that influence crop growth and yield. This data can be used to create maps of management zones and guide the precision application of inputs.
  6. Automated systems: Precision agriculture also involves the use of automated systems, such as robotic harvesters and autonomous tractors, to reduce labour costs and improve efficiency.

Overall, precision agriculture is a promising approach to farming that can help farmers improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity. By using technology to collect and analyze data about soil, crops, and weather, farmers can make more informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and precision application of inputs, leading to more sustainable and profitable farming practices.


Precision agriculture involves the use of various techniques and technologies to improve crop management, reduce waste, and increase productivity. Here are some of the key precision agriculture techniques:

  1. GIS: GIS (Geographic Information System) is a software tool that enables farmers to store, analyze, and display spatial data, such as field maps, soil samples, and weather data. GIS can be used to identify patterns and relationships between different variables, such as soil type and crop yield, enabling farmers to make data-driven decisions about input application and other management practices.
  2. GPS: GPS (Global Positioning System) is a satellite-based navigation system that enables farmers to map and measure their fields with high precision. This data can be used to create detailed field maps, which can help farmers to identify variations in soil type, moisture content, and other factors that can affect crop growth and yield. GPS can also be used to guide precision equipment such as tractors, sprayers, and harvesters, enabling farmers to apply inputs at precise locations in the field.
  3. Soil mapping and analysis: Precision agriculture starts with accurate soil mapping and analysis. This involves collecting data on soil properties such as texture, pH, nutrient content, and water-holding capacity. The data can be collected using various technologies, such as electromagnetic induction sensors, soil coring, or gamma-ray spectrometry. Once the data is collected, it can be used to create soil maps and develop site-specific management plans.
  4. Variable rate technology (VRT): Variable rate technology involves the use of sensors and software to vary the application of inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds based on the needs of different areas of the field. This helps to reduce waste and improve yields by applying inputs only where they are needed. VRT can be used for both dryland and irrigated farming systems.
  5. Precision irrigation: Precision irrigation involves the use of sensors and software to optimize irrigation scheduling and water application rates. This helps to reduce water waste and increase yields by applying water only where and when it is needed. Precision irrigation can be achieved using techniques such as drip irrigation, centre pivot irrigation, or subsurface drip irrigation.
  6. Crop monitoring and management: Crop monitoring and management involves the use of sensors, drones, and satellite imagery to monitor crop health, growth, and yield. This data can be used to make informed decisions about crop management, such as adjusting nutrient application rates or applying pesticides only where needed. Crop monitoring can also involve using GPS-enabled tractors or automated robots for planting, harvesting, and other tasks.
  7. Precision livestock farming: Precision agriculture can also be applied to livestock farming. This involves the use of sensors and other technologies to monitor animal health, growth, and behaviour. This data can be used to improve animal management and welfare, optimize feeding and breeding programs, and reduce environmental impacts.
  8. Data analysis and decision-making: All precision agriculture techniques require data collection and analysis, which can be done using various software and analytical tools. This data can be used to make informed decisions about crop management, resource allocation, and precision application of inputs. Decision-making can also involve using predictive models or artificial intelligence algorithms to forecast crop yields or optimize management plans.

Overall, precision agriculture techniques are constantly evolving as new technologies are developed and tested. The goal of precision agriculture is to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and increase productivity by using data-driven approaches to crop and livestock management.

Their issues and concerns for Indian agriculture

There are several issues and concerns related to the adoption of precision agriculture in Indian agriculture. Here are some of them:

  1. Lack of infrastructure: The adoption of precision agriculture techniques requires significant investment in infrastructure such as sensors, software, and data analysis tools. This can be a challenge for small-scale farmers who may not have the financial resources to invest in such technology.
  2. Limited access to information: In India, there is a significant digital divide, with many farmers lacking access to information and communication technology. This limits their ability to adopt precision agriculture techniques and benefit from the potential improvements in productivity and efficiency.
  3. The complexity of technology: Many precision agriculture techniques require specialized knowledge and training to operate and interpret data. This can be a challenge for farmers who may not have the necessary skills or education to fully utilize the technology.
  4. Cost-benefit analysis: While precision agriculture has the potential to increase yields and reduce waste, the cost of adopting these techniques must be carefully evaluated against the potential benefits. Some farmers may be reluctant to invest in precision agriculture if they do not see a clear return on investment.
  5. Policy and regulatory framework: The Indian government has taken steps to promote the adoption of precision agriculture, such as launching programs to provide financial assistance and training to farmers. However, there is a need for a clear policy and regulatory framework to support the adoption and use of precision agriculture technology.
  6. Environmental concerns: Precision agriculture techniques such as precision irrigation and precision application of inputs can reduce waste and improve efficiency. However, there is also a concern that the increased use of technology could lead to environmental problems such as pollution and soil degradation.

Overall, the adoption of precision agriculture in India requires a concerted effort from the government, the private sector, and farmers to address the issues and concerns related to the technology. With careful planning and implementation, precision agriculture has the potential to significantly improve the productivity and sustainability of Indian agriculture.

Uses of GIS, GPS &VRA in precision agriculture


GIS (Geographic Information System) technology is widely used in precision agriculture for collecting, analyzing, and visualizing spatial data. Here are some of the specific uses of GIS in precision agriculture:

  1. Crop management: GIS can be used to collect data on soil characteristics, weather conditions, topography, and other factors that affect crop growth. This information can be used to make informed decisions about planting, fertilizing, and harvesting crops.
  2. Precision irrigation: GIS can be used to map soil moisture levels and create irrigation zones based on the specific water requirements of different areas of the field. This helps to minimize water waste and reduce irrigation costs.
  3. Soil analysis: GIS can be used to analyze soil samples and create maps of soil characteristics such as pH, nutrient levels, and texture. This information can be used to create customized fertilizer plans for specific areas of the field.
  4. Yield mapping: GIS can be used to collect data on crop yield and create maps of the yield variability across a field. This information can be used to identify areas of the field that may require different management practices.
  5. Pest and disease management: GIS can be used to track the spread of pests and diseases across a field and identify areas that require targeted treatment. This can help to reduce the use of pesticides and minimize the risk of resistance developing.

Overall, GIS technology can help farmers to make more informed decisions about crop management, reduce waste, and increase yields. By using GIS to collect and analyze spatial data, farmers can tailor their management practices to the specific needs of their crops and maximize their productivity.


GPS (Global Positioning System) technology is widely used in precision agriculture for mapping and navigating fields, tracking machinery and equipment, and collecting data on crop growth and yield. Here are some specific uses of GPS in precision agriculture:

  1. Mapping and navigation: GPS can be used to create maps of field boundaries, drainage patterns, and other important features. Farmers can use GPS-enabled devices to navigate fields and ensure that they are applying inputs (such as fertilizer and pesticides) to the correct locations.
  2. Guidance systems: GPS can be used to guide tractors, harvesters, and other machinery across the field with precision, reducing overlap and minimizing soil compaction. This can help to increase efficiency and reduce input costs.
  3. Yield monitoring: GPS can be used to collect data on crop yield as the harvest takes place. This information can be used to create yield maps and identify areas of the field that require different management practices.
  4. Variable rate application (VRA): GPS can be used in conjunction with VRA technology to apply inputs (such as fertilizer, pesticides, and seed) at varying rates across the field. This can help to optimize inputs, reduce waste, and increase yields.
  5. Field scouting: GPS can be used to track and record observations about crop growth and pest/disease pressure in specific areas of the field. This information can be used to create management plans that are tailored to the needs of each area.

Overall, GPS technology can help farmers to improve the accuracy and efficiency of their management practices, reduce waste, and increase yields. By using GPS-enabled devices to map and navigate fields, track equipment and inputs, and collect data on crop growth and yield, farmers can make more informed decisions and optimize their operations for maximum productivity.


VRA (Variable Rate Application) is a precision agriculture technology that enables farmers to apply inputs (such as fertilizer, pesticides, and seed) at different rates across a field. Here are some specific uses of VRA in precision agriculture:

  1. Precision fertilization: VRA technology can be used to vary the rate of fertilizer application based on soil nutrient levels, topography, and other factors. This can help to reduce waste, improve crop quality and yield, and minimize environmental impacts.
  2. Precision pesticide application: VRA can be used to apply pesticides only where they are needed, reducing the number of chemicals used and minimizing the risk of off-target effects.
  3. Seeding rate optimization: VRA can be used to adjust seeding rates based on soil conditions and other factors, helping to optimize plant populations and improve crop yields.
  4. Irrigation optimization: VRA can be used to adjust irrigation rates based on soil moisture levels, weather conditions, and other factors. This can help to conserve water and reduce input costs while maintaining crop quality and yield.
  5. Soil pH management: VRA can be used to adjust the rate of lime application to manage soil pH levels. This can help to improve soil health and nutrient availability, leading to better crop yields.

Overall, VRA technology enables farmers to tailor their management practices to the specific needs of each area of the field, optimizing inputs, reducing waste, and increasing yields. By using VRA to apply inputs at different rates across the field, farmers can improve the efficiency and sustainability of their operations, while also maximizing profits.

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