Unit 2 - Hi-Tech Horticulture | 5th Semester Notes

Unit 2 - Hi-Tech Horticulture

Syllabus: Modern field preparation and planting methods. Protected cultivation: advantages, controlled conditions, methods, &techniques.

Unit 2 - Hi-Tech Horticulture | 5th Semester Notes

Modern field preparation and planting methods

Modern field preparation

Modern field preparation and planting methods in horticulture have revolutionized the way crops are grown, leading to higher yields, better quality, and more efficient use of resources. In this context, modern refers to the use of advanced technologies, equipment, and techniques to prepare the field and plant horticultural crops.

Modern field preparation techniques involve the use of advanced machinery and technologies to prepare the field for planting. The goal of modern field preparation is to create an ideal environment for plant growth, while also minimizing the impact on the environment and maximizing efficiency.

One of the most important aspects of modern field preparation is soil preparation. Farmers use a variety of techniques to improve soil quality, such as tilling, soil conditioning, and fertilization. Tilling involves breaking up soil and mixing in organic matter to improve soil structure and drainage. Soil conditioning involves adding amendments like lime or gypsum to improve pH and nutrient availability. Fertilization involves adding nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to the soil to improve plant growth.

Another important aspect of modern field preparation is weed control. Farmers use a variety of methods to control weeds, including mechanical cultivation, chemical herbicides, and cover crops. Mechanical cultivation involves using equipment to physically remove weeds from the field. Chemical herbicides involve applying chemicals to kill weeds. Cover crops involve planting a crop that grows quickly and shades out weeds.

Modern field preparation also involves precision planting techniques. Farmers use equipment like GPS-guided planters to ensure that seeds are planted at optimal depth and spacing. This helps to ensure that plants have access to the nutrients and resources they need to grow and thrive.

Finally, modern field preparation techniques also include the use of advanced technologies for monitoring and managing crop growth. For example, farmers may use drones or other aerial imaging technologies to monitor crop health and identify areas of the field that may need extra attention. They may also use sensors to monitor soil moisture, nutrient levels, and other factors that can affect plant growth. This allows farmers to make data-driven decisions about how to manage their crops and optimize yields.

Some of the most common modern field preparation techniques include minimum tillage, strip tillage, and no tillage.

Minimum tillage involves using specialized machinery to till the soil to a shallower depth than traditional plowing. This helps to preserve soil structure and reduce erosion, while also improving soil moisture retention and reducing fuel consumption.

Strip tillage is another modern field preparation technique that involves tilling narrow strips of soil where crops will be planted, leaving the rest of the field undisturbed. This allows for greater precision in soil preparation, reduces soil erosion, and minimizes soil compaction.

No-tillage, also known as direct seeding, is a field preparation technique that involves planting crops directly into undisturbed soil. This method helps to maintain soil structure, reduce erosion, and preserve soil moisture, while also reducing the need for fuel and labor.

In addition to these techniques, modern field preparation may also involve the use of cover crops to improve soil health and reduce erosion, as well as precision agriculture technologies such as GPS-guided machinery and automated planting equipment.

Here are some other key methods used in modern field preparation:

  1. Laser land levelling: This technology uses a laser-guided scraper blade to level the field and remove any high spots. This ensures even water distribution, which is important for optimal plant growth.
  2. Controlled traffic farming: This method involves using the same wheel tracks year after year, which reduces soil compaction and improves soil structure. This improves plant growth and reduces fuel consumption.
  3. Cover crops: Before planting the main crop, a cover crop is grown to improve soil fertility, reduce erosion, and suppress weeds. This improves soil health and enhances crop yields.

Overall, modern field preparation methods focus on improving soil health, optimizing water use, and reducing soil disturbance, which results in healthier plants and higher yields.

Planting Methods

Modern planting methods are techniques used in agriculture to optimize the process of sowing seeds and transplanting seedlings in the field. These methods aim to improve plant establishment, reduce labour, and increase crop yield. Some examples of modern planting methods include:

  1. Direct Seeding: This involves planting seeds directly in the field using a seed drill or a planter. It reduces labour and soil disturbance and can improve seedling emergence and growth.
  2. Transplanting: This involves growing seedlings in a nursery and then transplanting them into the field. It allows for better control of plant growth and can result in earlier harvests.
  3. Precision Planting: This involves using advanced technologies such as GPS and sensors to precisely place seeds or seedlings in the field. It optimizes spacing, depth, and timing of planting, resulting in more uniform plant growth and improved yields.
  4. No-Till Planting: This involves planting without disturbing the soil through the use of special equipment. It reduces soil erosion, improves soil health, and saves time and labour.
  5. Strip Tillage: In this method, only narrow strips of soil are tilled, leaving the rest of the field undisturbed. This helps to reduce soil erosion and improve water infiltration and retention.

Modern planting methods are important in achieving sustainable agriculture and meeting the growing demand for food. By implementing these techniques, farmers can optimize their resources and increase their productivity while minimizing their impact on the environment.

Protected cultivation

Protected cultivation, also known as greenhouse cultivation, is a modern technique used in horticulture to create an ideal environment for growing plants. This technique involves creating a controlled environment by enclosing the plants in a structure made of glass or plastic that allows sunlight to enter while preventing heat loss.

Protected cultivation offers several advantages over traditional open-field cultivation. For instance, it allows the grower to manipulate environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels to optimize plant growth and development. It also protects against extreme weather conditions, pests, and diseases, leading to higher yields and improved crop quality.

The most common structures used for protected cultivation include greenhouses, net houses, and shade houses. Greenhouses are fully enclosed structures made of glass or plastic, while net houses and shade houses are made of netting or shade cloth to protect against insects and provide shade to the plants.

Overall, protected cultivation has revolutionized the way we grow plants, making it possible to produce crops all year round in any climate, resulting in a more sustainable and efficient agricultural system.


Protected cultivation, also known as greenhouse cultivation or controlled environment agriculture, involves growing crops in a controlled and protected environment. The advantages of protected cultivation in hi-tech horticulture are as follows:

  1. Climate Control: Protected cultivation allows the grower to control the temperature, humidity, and light levels in the growing area. This means that the crops can be grown year-round, regardless of the outside weather conditions. It is particularly beneficial in regions with harsh weather conditions, where crop production can be affected by extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, or strong winds.
  2. Pest and Disease Control: In an open field, pests and diseases can easily damage crops. However, in protected cultivation, the controlled environment makes it easier to manage pests and diseases. Growers can use insect screens, biological control agents, and other methods to keep pests and diseases under control, reducing the need for pesticides and herbicides. This results in safer and healthier produce.
  3. Water Conservation: Protected cultivation is efficient in water usage. Water loss due to evaporation is reduced, and irrigation can be precisely controlled. Moreover, a closed system in greenhouses reduces water loss due to run-off or percolation into the soil.
  4. Increased Yield: Crops grown under protected cultivation often yield more per unit area than those grown in an open field. This is because the controlled environment provides optimal growing conditions for the crops. The high yield makes protected cultivation an attractive option for commercial crop production.
  5. Quality Improvement: In protected cultivation, the grower has greater control over the growing conditions, resulting in higher-quality produce. The crops are protected from harsh weather conditions, pests, and diseases, which can affect the quality of the final product. Additionally, the produce can be harvested at the optimal time, which further enhances the quality of the produce.
  6. Extended Shelf-life: Protected cultivation also enhances the shelf-life of the produce. The produce can be harvested at the right time and kept under controlled conditions, which prolongs the shelf-life. This means that growers can transport their produce to distant markets, which results in better economic returns.

In summary, protected cultivation is an essential aspect of hi-tech horticulture. It offers numerous benefits, including climate control, pest and disease control, water conservation, increased yield, quality improvement, and extended shelf-life. These advantages make protected cultivation a preferred method of crop production, especially in regions with harsh weather conditions or limited arable land.

Controlled condition

Protected cultivation is a technique used in horticulture to grow crops in a controlled environment, which offers many advantages over traditional open-field cultivation. One of the most significant advantages of protected cultivation is the ability to control the growing conditions to optimize plant growth and yields.

In protected cultivation, the growing environment is carefully controlled to ensure optimal plant growth. This includes regulating temperature, humidity, light, carbon dioxide levels, and irrigation. By controlling these factors, growers can create an ideal growing environment for plants, allowing them to grow faster, produce higher yields, and mature more uniformly.

Another benefit of protected cultivation is the ability to grow crops year-round, regardless of weather conditions. In traditional open-field cultivation, crops are vulnerable to extreme weather events such as frost, heatwaves, and heavy rainfall. In contrast, protected cultivation offers a stable and controlled environment that protects crops from the vagaries of weather.

Protected cultivation also reduces the need for pesticides and other chemicals. By controlling the environment, growers can create conditions that are less favourable to pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical interventions. This not only reduces the cost of production but also makes the crops healthier and more sustainable.

Finally, protected cultivation allows for the efficient use of water and other resources. Growers can use precise irrigation systems to deliver the right amount of water to plants, reducing waste and maximizing efficiency. Additionally, growers can recycle water and nutrients, reducing the environmental impact of their operations.

In conclusion, protected cultivation offers many advantages over traditional open-field cultivation, including the ability to control growing conditions, grow crops year-round, reduce the need for pesticides and other chemicals, and maximize resource efficiency. These benefits make protected cultivation an important technique in modern horticulture.


Protected cultivation refers to the practice of growing plants within a protected environment such as greenhouses, net houses, and poly houses. The aim is to provide controlled environmental conditions that optimize plant growth, enhance productivity, and protect crops from pests, diseases, and harsh weather conditions.

There are several methods of protected cultivation used in modern hi-tech horticulture:

  1. Greenhouses: These are structures with transparent roofs and walls that allow sunlight to enter while trapping heat inside. Greenhouses can be made from different materials such as glass, polycarbonate, and polyethylene films. They provide an ideal environment for plants to grow and thrive by regulating temperature, humidity, and light intensity.
  2. Net houses: These are structures covered with a mesh or netting material that offers partial protection from the sun, wind, and pests. Net houses are designed to allow for air circulation while reducing the intensity of sunlight, making them ideal for crops that require a shaded environment. They are also relatively cheaper than greenhouses and require less maintenance.
  3. Polyhouses: These are structures made of polyethylene films that offer protection from weather conditions, pests, and diseases. They are similar to greenhouses but are more affordable and easier to construct. Polyhouses are lightweight, and portable, and provide a controlled environment for crops to grow and thrive.
  4. Shade houses: These are structures designed to provide shade to plants and reduce the intensity of sunlight. Shade houses are covered with shade cloth and are ideal for crops that require a semi-shaded environment such as ornamental plants and some vegetables.

Overall, the use of protected cultivation methods in hi-tech horticulture offers several advantages such as increased crop yield, improved crop quality, and reduced dependence on pesticides and fertilizers. Additionally, it enables year-round crop production, protects crops from harsh weather conditions, and allows for the cultivation of crops that are not adapted to local climatic conditions.


Protected cultivation refers to the practice of growing plants in a controlled environment that is protected from external factors such as weather changes, pests, and diseases. There are various techniques used in protected cultivation, including:

  1. Greenhouse cultivation: Greenhouses are enclosed structures made of glass or plastic, which create a controlled environment for plant growth. They allow for the control of temperature, humidity, and light, providing a favourable environment for plant growth.
  2. Hydroponic cultivation: In hydroponic cultivation, plants are grown in a soil-less medium, with their roots exposed to a nutrient-rich water solution. This method allows for the precise control of nutrient levels, pH, and water supply, resulting in higher yields and faster growth.
  3. Aeroponic cultivation: Aeroponic cultivation involves growing plants in a misted environment, with their roots suspended in the air. Nutrient-rich water is sprayed onto the roots, providing the necessary nutrients for growth. This method is highly efficient in terms of water usage and results in faster growth rates.
  4. Shade net cultivation: Shade net cultivation involves the use of nets to provide shade to plants, protecting them from excessive sunlight and heat. This method is particularly useful in hot and dry regions, where high temperatures can damage crops.
  5. Vertical farming: In vertical farming, plants are grown in stacked layers, using artificial lighting and a controlled environment. This method is particularly useful in urban areas where space is limited, as it allows for high-density plant growth.

Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of technique depends on various factors such as crop type, environmental conditions, and cost-effectiveness. The use of these techniques in protected cultivation has revolutionized modern agriculture, allowing for increased crop yields, reduced water usage, and minimized environmental impact.

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